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I went to visit God today at one of His many mansions. When I got there the door was standing wide open and the screen door wasn’t hooked. The thick, plush doormat said welcome in many languages but when I stepped onto it, it changed to just one word in English, WELCOME and a banner over the door said, come on in printed in southern drawl.

I stepped inside very carefully and called out, “hello” is anybody home? A beautifully embroidered wall hanging hung just inside the door that said, MY HOME IS YOUR HOME.

The entry hall was grand with wonderful tapestries and gold appointments that kept my steps short, halting, and timid as I moved from one grand, amazing room to another.

Being the curious human that I am, and taking in a few of the grand rooms, I began to wonder about the closed doors, what might be hidden behind them and where they locked or forbidden but then I recalled the sign at the front door said, “MY HOME IS YOUR HOME”.

Nervously, I turned the knob, WOW, I was shocked as I peeked into the room and then into many more: through door, after door, there were fantastically huge rooms with forms and likeness of many different kinds of animals and plants from Earth’s billions of years of history. There were many kinds of prototypes of every animal I’d ever seen or heard of and a huge number I’d never seen, heard of, or dreamed of. There was even an enormous geological design and creation lab and an astronomy lab that I can hardly begin to describe. If I hadn’t been studying God’s miraculous creation, as understood by our best scientist for most of my life, I’m sure I would have been overwhelmed and just passed out.

I was so engrossed in the enormity and complexity of all the exhibits revealing the unfoldment of Earth and our universe that for hours I kept ignoring all the intuitive messages concerned about my comfort, my needs and my well-being. Finally, I was so tired, I just plopped down in a beautiful, comfortable chair exhaling in disbelief and belief, I don’t know how long I’d been running from treasure to treasure, from room to room not to mention the times I saw such engaging features and sights outside through big picture windows that I’d be stopped still struggling with whether to go out side or continue to follow the train of thought I was on.

I could feel myself falling helplessly into my exhaustion when I heard that wondrous voice that I hadn’t heard but once before in my life; it was years ago when I was at the end of my rope in Las Vegas and he said, “My Child, everything is fine, you are fine, just keep doing what you’re doing”, that’s all he said …….. (Yes, it was a wondrous male voice) ……… I opened my eyes and listened for God’s voice again ( it had to be god’s voice, no human voice can sound like that), From somewhere just above and behind me He continued ……. “My Child, why are you so astounded? This is your home I’ve been telling you about forever and ever. Of course, you have all the time you need or want to adapt but so much and so many other mansions await you when you are ready………. Now, you are hungry and tired so go out to the courtyard or the terrace into the fresh air and sunlight, be refreshed, tell them what you want, anything at all. I know you have many questions and there will be someone you can talk to there.”

I closed my eyes and began to weep, it was all true, God is always with me and I wanted to be held and God held me.
