I TRADED IN MY PADDLES FOR A SAIL At last, with my back breaking and my mind aching, I saw it was a spiritual sea that lay before me, so I traded in my paddles for a sail. Jack
I TRADED IN MY PADDLES FOR A SAIL At last, with my back breaking and my mind aching, I saw it was a spiritual sea that lay before me, so I traded in my paddles for a sail. Jack
WALLS, WINDOWS, DOORS, IS, NOW, AND LOVE I LOVE the walls, windows, and doors of my life, that IS where I live NOW, where I’m safe, where I can protect my family and mull over and write down my thoughts; …
WAR OR PEACE I’ve been watching the news and I hate to say it, but it looks as if we could be back into a build-up to some kind of new undeclared war. War and police actions are catnip to …
HELP FROM MY BEST FRIEND If there’s anything I hate in the game of life, it’s a pat hand but there’s nothing I love more than God looking over my shoulder helping me play the hand I was dealt. Jack
DRAGON DREAMS I awoke in a dream last night to repeated deafening roars as a gigantic tail of a shiny black Dragon split the light and the air over my head and there was earth-shaking, crashing, and thrashing like in …
MOTHER On Mother’s Day, my stepson came to spend a couple of days with us and when he’s here he and his mother just love to sit and talk which reminds me so much of my own mother and me, …
GOD, PLEASE SPELL IT OUT God, spell it out more clearly please, and faster, moans the human, I’m in a hurry, I’m a very important person. God, could you come back tomorrow, I’ve got some very important appointments today? God, …
KEEP ON SMILING Until yesterday, the only AA meeting I’ve been to in over a year has been on Zoom and that just didn’t work for me, so I just talked to my sponsor periodically and read AA material. This …