I’m feeling a stronger than usual kinship with the trees in my yard after our experience with the hurricane and the hurricane season. The wind beat my beautiful trees unmercifully; tearing limbs from them and striping a huge percentage of their leaves away from top to bottom.

Although my wife and I were not physically beaten by the winds or washed away in the flooding, the last several weeks have been very difficult; however, a new roof and some other much-needed repairs are due to be completed soon, that will help a lot. Time and more agreeable weather are also helping us repair our faith and positive attitude; the storms only ripped away the old outer shell of our spiritual fortress to reveal the deep strength of our faith and resolve in our creator.

Now, it’s beautiful and very interesting to see how our trees are mirroring our strong faith; they are putting out new growth like it was spring. Thank you, Almighty God!
