I love to compare my life and the events of my life to the miracles in the Bible. One of the most beautiful miracles is when the apostle Peter gets out of the boat and walks toward Jesus on the water. When the apostle’s faith failed him, and he began to sink, Jesus took his hand and rescued him.

That’s what happened to me when, at thirty years old, I dropped out, pulled out of, and completely quit my totally broken life and walked off across America. I had lost my faith. I left Tallahassee, FL with seventeen dollars, everything I owned in a small sack and walked and hitchhiked out west into the great Southwest, the Midwest, and the great Northwest; just like Peter, I was reaching out to God for rescue.

Praise be God, He took me by the hand, led me to so many miraculous people and experiences across the country that my faith was powerfully restored. I was walking on water. With my soul refreshed and my spirit growing stronger, He finally turned me toward home and Tallahassee for the huge trials and regenerating experiences of life that was yet to come.
