God gave mankind life and a wonderful brain. We were so thankful to God until our wonderful brain explained that it had actually given God to us and its gift of logic and reason were really the power greater than ourselves………

But, O’ mighty brain, why are we adrift in a cold, meaningless, terrifying, and for all intent and purposes, unreachable, useless, confusing void; trapped while our civilization is falling apart; where we have to create our own meaning for everything based on experiments and theories instead of the deep, boundless well of love, joy, and security that our God, that we abandoned, promises us if we acknowledge Him and put Him first in our life?

Things don’t look good O’ mighty brain; maybe we should go back to God and see if He’ll forgive us and take us back, we’re clearly over our heads. O’ mighty brain we need real love to have a real life with loving spouses and children and divine meaning; not an imitation life based on physical attraction, advice and impressions from TV, cell phones, movies, and a pack of bargains to behave a certain way in a matrimonial business deal that, way over half the time, ends up in the great pain and sorrow of divorce or bitter determination to hold the marriage together for the children, property, social appearances or just to keep from being alone……… Oh, what should we do O’ mighty brain, you’ve always led us to bigger and better things?………

And, the brain said, “Oh, have faith people, you know there’s no real God; where have you ever seen a God…. I’m your god. Just put on some music and relax, I’ll figure this thing out.”
