Life keeps coming at me like a rolling, unfolding, cosmic jubilee carnival and I keep trying to capture it on paper. My writer’s intuition keeps telling me to keep it as warm and personal as possible. So, I want to relate the essence of what happened on the next to the greatest adventure of my life.

At age thirty, I gave up on the wisdom of the world, including all organized religion and my big brain; all their answers and solutions fell way short of my needs in life. I sold or gave away everything I owned except for one change of clothes, kissed my girlfriend goodbye​ and hit the roads of America hitchhiking. I surrendered myself to the personal and infinite arms that hold all creation. Now I am comforted, cared for, and enlightened by these divine everlasting arms; the same divine arms that hold all creation eternally; the same divine arms that are comforting and caring for me and all creation this very moment. My life is a bold, sometimes scary, wonderful spiritual movie. Praise be to Thee All-mighty God. In You Father, I trust eternally.
