This morning my thoughts were on art, and it spawned a short little movie in my mind about Dan, the star of the movie who is a computer artist having the first big showing of his highly praised digital art or new media art.

Some of Dan’s pieces were large and sprawling and took time to take in and evaluate; others were fine and intricate pieces that penetrated into your nervous system. Friends and strangers alike gushed over the awesome mental experience of his work.

After the showing and more sincere, profuse praise Dan and his wife drove home, tired but filled with feelings of warmth and success; however, hours later Dan lay wide awake, unable to sleep. He got up and went to a small room at the back of the house where he had set up a small artist and computer studio for his young daughter. He picked through several books about the great artist of the world and their collected works to find Rembrandt. Slowly, he turned the old familiar pages and tears began to well up from deep in his being, into his eyes, and onto the floor as he experienced again Rembrandt’s revelation of the painful, immense struggle of mankind’s heart, mind, and soul to be free.
