Every morning when I awake, there before me and within me, on a brilliant sun-filled day or an overcast, dark cloudy day, is the love of God.

I call out to Him and I feel His love completely enfolding and animating my brain, I feel its sweetness on my face, it embraces my shoulders, and my body, it enlivens the muscles of my arms and legs, and the bones and marrow of my skeleton. I feel His precious love empowering every molecule, every atom, every iota of my flesh, expanding my awareness into joy and the knowledge of oneness.

God’s love around me and throughout me, is so warm, precious, and joyous that sometimes I break out in dance or a song or wrap my arms around myself and try to tell the difference between this incredible love I’m experiencing and the powerful awareness of just His presence……. I can’t —- I think they are the same.


Thank You Father, for the words and ability to express my experience with You and my love for You every day.