The fear of God is mankind’s only savior, but modern man has eased our very patient, loving God aside and built one monolith, one graven image, and one golden calf after another right in God’s face. These graven images of towering buildings, these rocket ships to the moon, these voluminous tomes of scientific knowledge, and global empires of commerce are and are becoming, more and more every day, false evidence for man’s vanity that the daily, maximized material creations flowing from their brains and hands are their new, improved, and unstoppable tower to heaven — They are spiritually blind to the incredible power we see and understand as faith and clear evidence of God’s presence, the eyes of Christ sees a totally different world than the clouded human eye.

How many times over these thousands and thousands of years must humanity repeat this gross error of confusing beautiful, gorgeous, precious material things that they have formed with their own hands with the indescribable, sublime, Holy creations of God? There is no comparison between the Mona Lisa, the Sistine Chapel ceiling, the most magnificent building ever built, and the human body, or this little miraculous planet we live on, or the entire universe man finds more baffling every day.

The incredible truth is that there is nothing that gives God more pleasure and joy than the incredibly beautiful, artistic creations of His children, (mankind) if they will only remember to keep their creator, God Almighty, first from which all things flow, and remember to thank Him before, during, and after all their incredible works and accomplishments. It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3 first God, then us, and then comes love, joy, and, happiness. The sooner we get started and stay on the beam, the sooner the love, joy, and happiness come.
