GOD SAID CHEESE Man is a child who thinks he’s a man and wants to be God but only wins when he realizes that the best he can ever be is a picture of God. Jack
GOD SAID CHEESE Man is a child who thinks he’s a man and wants to be God but only wins when he realizes that the best he can ever be is a picture of God. Jack
BE SILENT, BE STILL, AND EXPECTANT In my quiet time of prayer this morning, I had the wonderful experience of receiving the word of God. For decades I’ve been learning how to pray; finally, after years of trying and with …
I LOVE YOU ALL, BUT……. Don’t let people make your life about them. Don’t let them drag you down into their dreary little dramas. There are too many truly important things that need your attention. Jack
LIFE, HEART, AND WINGS Where is the consciousness of the caterpillar when the butterfly is born?… In the heart and wings. Jack
GOD SPEAKS IN ENDLESS WAYS ….. ……. I manifested an infinite world; exploded into shapes, sizes, rocks, dust, sand, and soil. I rose up in cactus, flowers, trees, rivers, and streams; soared in majestic mountains, surged in mighty seas, and …
THE GRAND PLAN Does God have a grand plan for his creation, one that will embrace you and me forever? Yes, I think He does and it exists this moment in each of us, but each one of us must …
QUIET PEACE This morning I sat in quiet peace on my back porch and watched the love of God moving through the trees, move with the grass, move over the waters of my fountain and across the glorious, powerful embrace …
WHAT DO I REALLY KNOW? What do I really know?……. I know the nothingness of the past and the future; I know that, in time, proofs and certainties are as fickle as the wind; I know that our flesh and …
EGO, CHAOS, AND LIES Ego loves chaos; loves to pretend it is the only true God; pretending it is protecting me from the wilds and dangers of my existence when, infect, the best it can do is warn me of …
THE CORNUCOPIA OF ALL The ancients and modern science have come together. Praise be to God. The ancient symbol of plenty is the cornucopia or horn of plenty fashioned after the horn of a goat; the symbol is so old …