POOR OLD TED KACZYNSKI Poor old Ted Kaczynski, God rest his soul, was a Mathematics genius who could add 2+2 but misinterpreted the “4” he got for an answer. He saw America and the world as a huge, ugly, sprawling, …
POOR OLD TED KACZYNSKI Poor old Ted Kaczynski, God rest his soul, was a Mathematics genius who could add 2+2 but misinterpreted the “4” he got for an answer. He saw America and the world as a huge, ugly, sprawling, …
GOD’S LITTLE DUCKLINGS My wife, Verma, had an extremely difficult week in the first part of June with the relentless, degenerative diseases of stage four cirrhosis of the liver, diabetes, and acid reflux — The pain only relents to allow …
OFF TO THE RACES Of all the races we face in this life, in this reality that we accept and face every day; from the foot races to the horse races, to racing with the wind and stars, to the …
THE MYSTERY OF “THE LIGHT” Life, human life, is only scratching and clawing its way into darkness and death without the illuminating mystery of God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit; and the true divine mystery is “THE Light”, the light …