Progress When I was a young whippersnapper, about forty years old, I was in Nashville, Tennessee, trying to sell all the songs I’d written trying to break into the music business; I was sure the world was just waiting to …
Progress When I was a young whippersnapper, about forty years old, I was in Nashville, Tennessee, trying to sell all the songs I’d written trying to break into the music business; I was sure the world was just waiting to …
LOVE AND GRAVITY Are love and gravity the same thing? The invisible power we call gravity holds the physical universe together and love holds mine and, I believe, all other human’s mental, emotional, and spiritual worlds together even when we …
THE HALLELUJAH TRUTH Most people would say that their safe place in life, their soft place in the world is in their home; protected by four walls and a roof and they also hope by their country but I have …
I HAD A NIGHTMARE It was morning, I walked out of my front door into the beautiful, sweet sunlight of what appeared to be another perfect day in God’s perfect creation. I could see the earth from sea to shining …
REACHING OUT REACHING UP This morning I was thinking of some of the richest experiences in my education; the education that came after my public education, my education in the school of reinventing the wheel and reaching for the highest …