Misc. - Page 55


POLITICAL LESSONS Tallahassee Even though my plate was full and running over with a job that seemed to hold the best kind of motivation for a “newbie” in state government like me, and even with a social life that had …

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TRUST The trust I experience in my life does not come from the world or other people, be they loved ones or authorities, but from within myself. There is a truth in me that allows me to trust in others …

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MORE LESSONS Tallahassee My friend Keith never said so in so many words, but of course, it was obvious he was pleased to see that I seemed to be moving in the establishment direction. Over the months I ran the …

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TWO WORLDS In Tallahassee The part of the Reference Bureau that I was assigned to was a brain trust full of lawyers, analysts, and clerical people to take the ideas and wishes of the senators and representatives and form them …

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